man in black and white panda costume standing on payphone booth during night time

Animals, Fruits, and Foods in Namewee & Kimberley Chen’s “Fragile Glass Hearts”

Malaysian singer-rapper Namewee’s latest song “Fragile Glass Hearts (Fragile 玻璃心)” with Australian singer Kimberley Chen has resulted in them getting banned from various Chinese platforms.

“Fragile Glass Hearts” presents itself in a cutesy pink themed video. However, the lyrics and props in the background paint a very different picture.

In this series, we focus on what the song is about “love for small animals“. It’s about loving small animals, such as puppies, kittens, bats, civets, and pandas. Besides animals, there are also fruits and foods, such as apples, pineapples, cantaloupes, leeks, and honey.

How do you express these animals, fruits, and foods in Chinese?

dog-小狗-小狗-xiǎo gǒu
dog-小狗-小狗-xiǎo gǒu
cat-小貓-小猫-xiǎo māo
cat-小貓-小猫-xiǎo māo
bat-蝙蝠-蝙蝠-biān fú
bat-蝙蝠-蝙蝠-biān fú
civet-果子狸-果子狸-guǒ zǐ lí
civet-果子狸-果子狸-guǒ zǐ lí
panda-熊貓-熊猫-xióng māo
panda-熊貓-熊猫-xióng māo
hami melon-哈密瓜-哈密瓜-hā mì guā
hami melon-哈密瓜-哈密瓜-hā mì guā
apple-蘋果-苹果-píng guǒ
apple-蘋果-苹果-píng guǒ
pineapple-鳳梨-凤梨-fèng lí
pineapple-鳳梨-凤梨-fèng lí
honey-蜂蜜-蜂蜜-fēng mì
honey-蜂蜜-蜂蜜-fēng mì
leek-韭菜-韭菜-jiǔ cài
leek-韭菜-韭菜-jiǔ cài

The English translation of the lyric of the song can be read here. You want to learn to sing this Chinese song with Hanyu Pinyin? Check this:

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