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“Hit by Power Cuts” in Chinese

China is experiencing power cuts because of coal shortages and the tightening of emissions standards. Factory in China closures as energy crisis bites. How to describe these situations in Chinese?

Dual Control of Energy Consumption -能耗雙控-能耗双控-néng hào shuāng kòng
Dual Control of Energy Consumption -能耗雙控-能耗双控-néng hào shuāng kòng
Energy Rationing-限電-限电-xiàn diàn
Energy Rationing-限電-限电-xiàn diàn
Power Cuts-停電-停电-tíng diàn
Power Cuts-停電-停电-tíng diàn
Unannounced Power Cuts-無預警停電-无预警停电-wú yù jǐng tíng diàn
Unannounced Power Cuts-無預警停電-无预警停电-wú yù jǐng tíng diàn

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