HSK Band 2 Grammar

New HSK Test 3.0 Grammar Band 2

In March 2021, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China released the new Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education. The new standards have been officially implemented on July 1, 2021.

HSK Official has announced that the new HSK test 3.0 will be divided into three levels and nine bands. Lists for both grammar and vocabulary are updated too.

Elementary: Band 1-3
Intermediate: Band 4-6
Advanced: Band 7-9

This post lists the New HSK Test 3.0 Grammar Band 2:

HSKChinesePinyinEnglishSentenceSentence PinyinSentence Translation
2yàowant to, will王芳要学英语。wáng fāng yào xué Yīngyǔ。Wang Fang wants to / will learn
2zuìthe most它的眼睛最漂亮。tā de yǎnjing zuì piàoliang。Its eyes are the prettiest.
2several几本书jǐ běn shūseveral books
2十几shíjǐ(any # from 11 to 19)十几本书shíjǐ běn shūa dozen or more books
2几十jǐ shítens of几十本书jǐ shí běn shūtens of people
2# 几/多# jǐ/ duōover #二十几本书/二十多本书èrshí jǐ běn shū/ èrshíduō běn shūtwenty something books
2# M 多 月/星期# M duō yuè/ xīngqīover # of months/
两个多月,三个多星期liǎng gè duō yuè, sān gè duō
over two months, over three
2V不V or A不AV bùV or A bùA(questions)我去商店,你去不去?wǒ qù shāngdiàn, nǐ qù bù qù?I’m going to the shop, are you
2是不是......?shìbùshì......?Is it true that...?你是不是喜欢运动?nǐ shìbùshì xǐhuan yùndòng?Is it true that you like to exercise?
2每 M N (都) Vměi M N ( dōu) Vevery N V你每个星期六(都)工作吗?nǐ měi gè Xīngqīliù( dōu) gōngzuò
Do you work every Saturday
(without exception)?
2多 Aduō Ahow A他多高?tā duō gāo?How tall is he?
2的 (N)de (N)(omitting nouns after
这个杯子是昨天买的(杯子)。zhège bēizi shì zuótiān mǎi
de( bēizi)。
This cup is the one (cup) that was
bought yesterday.
2一下yīxiàonce (quickly/easily)你去给老师送一下报纸。nǐ qù gěi lǎoshī sòng yīxià bàozhǐ。Go and deliver the newspaper to
your teacher.
2zhēnvery, truly牛奶真好喝啊!niúnǎi zhēn hǎohē ā!The milk is so tasty!
2O 是 S V 的O shì S V deit’s S who V’ed O这本书是我买的。zhè běn shū shì wǒ mǎi de。(It’s) I (who) bought the book.
2......的时候...... de shíhouthe time when ...我18岁的时候来过北京。wǒ18 suì de shíhou lái guò Běijīng。I’ve come to Beijing when I was 18.
2已经 V/A 了yǐjīng V/A lealready V/A我已经工作两年多了。wǒ yǐjīng gōngzuò liǎng nián duō
I already worked for over two years.
2jiùjust V then你不想去,就在家休息吧。nǐ bùxiǎng qù, jiù zài jiā xiūxi ba。If you don't want to go, just rest at
home then.
2还 Ahái Asomewhat A昨天的考试还好。zuótiān de kǎoshì háihǎo。Yesterday’s test was so-so (lit.
somewhat OK).
2有点儿 Ayǒudiǎnr Aa bit A今天天气有点儿冷。jīntiān tiānqì yǒudiǎnr lěng。It's a bit cold today.
2怎么zěnmehow come你怎么不高兴?nǐ zěnme bù gāoxìng?How come you’re unhappy?
2N M M 都N M M dōuevery N同学个个都很高兴。tóngxué gègè dōu hěn gāoxìng。Every student is very happy.
because... so...因为不好吃,所以我不吃。yīnwèi bùhǎo chī, suǒyǐ wǒ bù
Because it’s not tasty, so I won’t
eat it.
2还 Vhái Vstill V-ing八点了,他还在睡觉。bā diǎn le, tā hái zài shuìjiào。It’s 8, he’s still sleeping.
2还没 Vhái méi Vstill haven’t V’ed你怎么还没吃饭?nǐ zěnme hái méi chīfàn?How come you still haven’t eaten?
2TIME 就 VTIME jiù VV as early as TIME同学们七点半就来教室了。tóngxué men qī diǎn bàn jiù lái
jiàoshì le。
The students got to the classroom
as early as 7:30.
away from N2
学校离机场20多公里。xuéxiào lí jīchǎng20 duō gōnglǐ。The school is over 20 km away
from the airport.
2......呢!...... ne!(adding emphasis)他还在学习呢!tā hái zài xuéxí ne!He is still studying!
2......好吗?...... hǎo ma?...okay?你明天下午给我打电话好吗?nǐ míngtiān xiàwǔ gěi wǒ dǎdiànhuà
hǎo ma?
Call me tomorrow afternoon, okay?
2再 Vzài Vagain你再看一下这本书吧。nǐ zài kàn yīxià zhè běn shū ba。Take another look at this book.
2再 Vzài Vthen让我想想再告诉你。ràng wǒ xiǎng xiǎng zài gàosu nǐ。Let me think about it, then I’ll let
you know.
2TIME 再 VTIME zài VV only until TIME我明天再去。wǒ míngtiān zài qù。I’ll go (only until) tomorrow.
2请/让/叫 O Vqǐng/ ràng/ jiào O Vinvite/let/ask O to V我请你吃饭。wǒ qǐng nǐ chīfàn。I’m inviting you to have a meal.
2V VV VV for a bit你看看这几件衣服。nǐ kànkan zhè jǐ jiàn yīfu。Take a look at these clothes.
2V一VV yīVV for a bit你看一看这几件衣服。nǐ kànyīkàn zhè jǐ jiàn yīfu。Take a look at these clothes.
2V resultV result(result complements)我看到你的女朋友了。wǒ kàn dào nǐ de nǚpéngyou le。I saw your girlfriend.
2没 V resultméi V result(result complements)我没看到你的女朋友。wǒ méi kàn dào nǐ de nǚpéngyou。I didn’t see your girlfriend.
2从 N1 到 N2cóng N1 dào N2from N1 to N2从老人到孩子都喜欢吃苹果。cóng lǎorén dào háizi dōu xǐhuan
chī píngguǒ。
From old to young, all like to eat
2第 # M Ndì # M N#-th N第四件事情还没做。dì sì jiàn shìqing hái méi zuò。We haven't done the fourth thing
2不要/别 Vbùyào/ bié Vdon’t do V不要/别玩儿手机!bùyào/ bié wánr shǒujī!Don’t play with your phone!
2不要/别 V 了bùyào/ bié V lestop doing V不要/别玩儿手机了!bùyào/ bié wánr shǒujī le!Stop playing with your phone!
2对 N Aduì N AIs A for N学汉语对在中国工作有帮助。xué Hànyǔ duì zài Zhōngguó
gōngzuò yǒubāngzhù。
Learning Chinese is helpful for
working in China.
2S V 的 NS V de Nthe N which S V’ed我妈妈做的饭非常好吃。wǒ māma zuò de fàn fēicháng
The food that mom makes is very
2N1 比 N2 AN1 bǐ N2 AN2 is more A than N1哥哥比姐姐高。gēge bǐ jiějie gāo。My (older) brother is taller than my
(older) sister.
2N1 没有 N2 AN1 méiyǒu N2 AN2 is not as A than
哥哥没有姐姐高。gēge méiyǒu jiějie gāo。My (older) brother is not as tall as
my (older) sister.
2可能kěnéngprobably她可能不会唱歌。tā kěnéng bùhuì chànggē。Maybe she cannot sing.
2V 得 AV dé A(using adverbs)我跑得很快。wǒ pǎo dehěn kuài。I run very quickly.
2V O V 得 AV O V dé A(using adverbs)姐姐唱歌唱得很好。jiějie chànggē chàng dehěn hǎo。My (older) sister sings brilliantly.
2V (O V) 得 比 N AV (O V) dé bǐ N AV (O) more A than N他学(汉语学)得比我快。tā xué( Hànyǔ xué) dé bǐ wǒ kuài。He learns (Chinese) more quickly
than I do.
2比 N V (O V) 得 Abǐ N V (O V) dé AV (O) more A than N他比我学(汉语学)得快。tā bǐ wǒ xué( Hànyǔ xué) dé kuài。He learns (Chinese) more quickly
than I do.
2V 着 OV zhe OV-ing O他们穿着⻄服。tāmen chuānzhuó xīfú。They are wearing suites.
2没 V 着 Oméi V zhe Onot V-ing O他没拿着铅笔。tā méi ná zhe qiānbǐ。He’s not holding a pencil.
2N 不是......吗?N bùshì...... ma?is N not...你不是北京人吗?nǐ bùshì Běijīngrén ma?Aren’t you a Beijinger?
2往 DIRECTION Vwǎng DIRECTION VV toward DIRECTION从这儿一直往东走。cóng zhèr yīzhí wǎng dōng zǒu。Walk straight toward the east from
2V 过V guòV’ed before我去过中国。wǒ qù guò Zhōngguó。I've been to China.
2没有 V 过méiyǒu V guòhaven’t V’ed他们没有来过我家。tāmen méiyǒu lái guò wǒ jiā。They have never been to my place.
2虽然......但是suīrán...... dànshìalthough...虽然是晴天,但是还是很冷。suīrán shì qíngtiān, dànshì háishi
hěn lěng。
Even though it's sunny, it's still
2V 过 # 次 OV guò # cì OV’ed O # times他们坐过三次⻜机。tāmen zuò guò sāncì fēijī。They have taken a plane three
2V 过 PLACE # 次V guò PLACE # cìV’ed to PLACE #
我们来过三次中国。wǒmen lái guò sāncì Zhōngguó。We have been to China three times.
2TIME (就) 要 V 了TIME ( jiù) yào V leabout to V in TIME下个星期我们(就)要考试了。xiàgèxīngqī wǒmen( jiù) yào kǎoshì
We are about to have an exam in
just a week.
2都 TIME/A/V 了dōu TIME/A/V leIt’s already TIME, is
already A, has
already V’ed
都8点了,快点儿起床吧。dōu8 diǎn le, kuàidiǎnr qǐchuáng
It’s already 8, get up quick!

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