HSK Band 6 Grammar

New HSK Test 3.0 Grammar Band 6

In March 2021, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China released the new Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education. The new standards have been officially implemented on July 1, 2021.

HSK Official has announced that the new HSK test 3.0 will be divided into three levels and nine bands. Lists for both grammar and vocabulary are updated too.

Elementary: Band 1-3
Intermediate: Band 4-6
Advanced: Band 7-9

This post lists the New HSK Test 3.0 Grammar Band 6:

HSKChinesePinyinEnglishSentenceSentence PinyinSentence Translation
6巴不得bābudebe only too eager to我巴不得他们能真的和好,从此以后和和睦睦过日子。wǒ bābude tāmen néng zhēn de
héhǎo, cóngcǐ yǐhòu hé hémù mù
I only wish that they could really be
reconciled and lived in harmony
from now on.
6别提多......了bié tíduō...... leindescribably这个人办事,别提多负责了。zhège rén bànshì, bié tíduō fùzé
This person does things, don't
mention more responsibility.
jùyǒu yǔ tǐ chà
biéde tóngyìcí
synonyms that differ
by style
tā biàn/ jiù huídá shuō/ dào:“
jiāng/ bǎ zhè zhǐ jièzhi ná qù ba。”
Then he just said, “Take this ring.”
6恨不得hènbudeto wish (badly)工作忙的时候,她恨不得一个人干两
gōngzuò máng de shíhou, tā
hènbude yīgèrén gàn liǎng gèrén dehuór。
When the work [gets] busy, she
wished [she could] do two people’swork all by herself.
tīng le yīshēng dehuà, dùnshí, tā
de xīnli yòu ránqǐ le xīwàng。
After hearing to the doctor's words,
suddenly, his heart lit up hopeagain.
6不由得bùyóudecan’t help but to李朋带病上场参加比赛了,我不由得有些担心。lǐ péng dàibìng shàngchǎng cānjiā
bǐsài le, wǒ bùyóude yǒuxiē
Li Peng was sick and went to the
competition. I couldn't help but
worry (somewhat).
6V # 番V # fānV’ed # times over他打量了我一番,到嘴边的话又不说了。 tā dǎliang le wǒ yī fān, dào zuǐ biān dehuà yòu bù shuō le。 He sized me up (once over) and swallowed his words. (Lit. [As for] the words that [came] to the edge of his mouth, he [changed his mind] again and didn’t utter them.)
6fān(measure word for
tumultuous events)
经过了几番⻛雨,他才懂得人生的价值。jīngguò le jǐ fān fēngyǔ, tā cái
dǒngde rénshēng de jiàzhí。
Only after a few (times of) setbacks
(lit. storms), he understood the value
of life.
6翻 (#) 番fān (#) fānmultiply # times和五年前比,多数人的工资已经翻番了。hé wǔ niánqián bǐ, duōshù rén de
gōngzī yǐjīng fānfān le。
Compared to five years ago, most
people’s wages have doubled.
6过于guòyútoo他出来得过于匆忙,居然忘了带手机。tā chūlái dé guòyú cōngmáng,
jūrán wàng le dài shǒujī。
He came out too hurriedly and
forgot to bring his mobile phone.
6着呢zhenestate + emphasis这儿坐吧,这个位空着呢。zhèr zuò ba, zhège wèi kōng
Sit here, this seat is vacant (which
you perhaps didn’t know).
6乘机chéngjītake this opportunity
这次出差去北京,我们可以乘机游览一下⻓城。zhè cì chūchāi qù Běijīng, wǒmen
kěyǐ chéngjī yóulǎn yīxià
On this business trip to Beijing, we
can take the opportunity and take
a tour of the Great Wall.
6不料bùliàowho would have
我只想和她开个玩笑,不料她却生气了。wǒ zhǐ xiǎng hé tā kāi gè wánxiào,
bùliào tā què shēngqì le。
I just wanted to joke with her, but
who would have thought she got
6未免+太+A+了wèimiǎn+ tài+A+ lecan’t say it’s not too
警察赶到时未免太迟了。jǐngchá gǎn dàoshí wèimiǎn tài
The police arrived rather too late.
(Lit. you can’t say they didn’t arrive
too late.)
6未免+有些/有点+Awèimiǎn+ yǒuxiē/
can’t say it’s not a bit
拒绝他的建议未免有些/有点失礼。jùjué tā de jiànyì wèimiǎn yǒuxiē/
yǒudiǎn shīlǐ。
It’s rather a bit rude to reject his
suggestions. (Lit. you can’t say it’s
not rude.)
jǐnjǐn/ zhǐbuguò......
only他的工作是警察, 写小说仅仅是他
tā de gōngzuò shì jǐngchá, xiě
xiǎoshuō jǐnjǐn shì tā de yèyú àihàoéryǐ。
His works as a policeman, and
writing novels is just his hobby(that’s all).
kǎoshàng dàxué gùrán hǎo, méi
kǎoshàng dàxué yě bùshì jiù méiyǒuchūlù le。
Granted, it’s good to go to college,
[but even if] you don’t go to collegeit doesn’t mean you have no way
6无非wúfēisimply他这么努力地工作,无非想多挣些钱,让妻子、孩子生活得更舒适。 tā zhème nǔlì dì gōngzuò, wúfēi xiǎng duō zhèng xiē qián, ràng qīzi、 háizi shēnghuó dé gèng shūshì。He works so hard, simply [because] he wants to make more money and make his wife and children live more comfortably.
nà cì lǚxíng dàjiā dōu qù le, wéidú
nǐ méiyǒu qù chéng。
Everyone went on that trip, only you
didn't go.
6明明míngmíngobviously你唱的明明是流行歌曲,哪里是京剧啊?nǐ chàng de míngmíng shì liúxíng
gēqǔ, nǎlǐ shì Jīngjù ā?
What you are singing is obviously a
pop song, how can you [say] it’s
Beijing opera?
6大不了......dàbùliǎo......If the worst came to
the worst, ...
失败了不要紧,大不了从头再来。shībài le bùyàojǐn, dàbùliǎo
cóngtóu zài lái。
It doesn't matter if you fail. If the
worst came to the worst, you can
start from scratch again.
6大不了的dàbùliǎo debig deal接个吻有什么大不了的?jiē gè wěn yǒu shénme dàbùliǎo
What's the big deal with a kiss?
6V 于 PLACEV yú PLACEV in PLACE著名的⻄湖⻰井茶产于浙江看的⻄湖一带。zhùmíng de Xīhú lóngjǐngchá chǎn
yú Zhèjiāng kàn de Xīhú yīdài。
The famous West Lake Longjing tea
is produced in the West Lake area in
6A 于 VA yú VA to V做决定,需要勇于承担责任。zuò juédìng, xūyào yǒngyú
chéngdān zérèn。
To make a decision, you need to be
courageous to take responsibility.
6致使zhìshǐto cause他的粗心致使试验失败。tā de cūxīn zhìshǐ shìyàn shībài。His carelessness caused the test to
6并非bìngfēinot (with emphasis,
see “并”4.04.3)
类似小王这样的年轻人并非少数。lèisì xiǎo wáng zhèyàng de
niánqīngrén bìngfēi shǎoshù。
Young people like Xiao Wang are
not a minority.
6对 N 而言duì N éryánfor N (see 4.05.4
duì jīntiān de Zhōngguó éryán,
jīngjìfāzhǎn bìxū jiānchí zǒukěchíxùfāzhǎn de dàolù。
For today's China, economic
development must adhere to thepath of sustainable development.
6有关 Nyǒuguān Nabout N他查阅了大量有关服饰问题的资料。tā cháyuè le dàliàng yǒuguān fúshì
wèntí de zīliào。
He consulted a lot of information
about clothing issues.
6和 N 有关hé N yǒuguānrelated to N中国的语文教学向来重视识字,这固然和汉字的特点有关。 Zhōngguó de yǔwén jiàoxué xiànglái zhòngshì shízì, zhè gùrán hé hànzì de tèdiǎn yǒuguān。Chinese language teaching has always attached importance to literacy, which is of course related to the characteristics of Chinese characters.
6不瞒你说bù mán nǐ shuōactually不瞒你说,对这个问题,我是这样想的。bù mán nǐ shuō, duì zhège wèntí,
wǒ shì zhèyàng xiǎng de。
To tell you the truth, regarding this
question, this is what I think.
6说真的/说实在的shuō zhēn de/ shuō
shízài de
indeed, truthfully说真的,这次真是孩子给我上了一课。shuō zhēn de, zhè cì zhēnshi háizi
gěi wǒ shàng le yī kè。
Seriously, this time the child really
gave me a lesson.
6通红、雪白tōnghóng、 xuěbáivery red, very white我脸憋得通红。wǒ liǎn biē dé tōnghóng。My face is red from suffocation.
6说 V/A 就 V/Ashuō V/A jiù V/AV without thinking,
be A without thinking
挺好的工作,怎么说不干就不干了?tǐnghǎo de gōngzuò, zěnme shuō
bù gàn jiù bù gàn le?
Very good job, how come you quit
just like that (without thinking)?
6V/A 得要命V/A dé yàomìngV so much one could
die, so A one could
五个小时没碰手机,我空虚得要命。wǔ gè xiǎoshí méi pèng shǒujī, wǒ
kōngxū dé yàomìng。
I didn't touch my cell phone for five
hours, and I feel so empty [from not
having anythnig to do] I could die.
6以至 (于)yǐzhì ( yú)as a result中国的饮⻝文化汲收不同国家的优异
Zhōngguó de yǐnshí wénhuà jí shōu
bùtóng guójiā de yōuyì zhī chǔ,
yǐzhìyú huīhuáng zhìjīn。
China's food culture has absorbed
the excellence of different countries,
[and] as a result its brilliance [has
shone] to this day.
6即便jíbiàneven if她最近心情不好,即便有些不讲理,你也要原谅她。tā zuìjìn xīnqíng bùhǎo, jíbiàn
yǒuxiē bù jiǎnglǐ, nǐ yě yào
yuánliàng tā。
She has a bad mood recently. Even
if she is a little unreasonable, you
still have to forgive her.
6所在suǒzàiwhere ... lies培养人是教育的立足点,是教育价值
péiyǎng rén shì jiàoyù de lìzúdiǎn,
shì jiàoyù jiàzhí de gēnběn suǒzài,
shì jiàoyù de běntǐ gōngnéng。
Cultivating people is the foothold of
education, is where the foundationof education’s value lies, and the
ontological function of education.
6所在suǒzàiplace他选择了⻛景秀美、气候宜人的所在。tā xuǎnzé le fēngjǐng xiùměi、 qìhòu
yírén de suǒzài。
He chose a place with beautiful
scenery and a pleasant climate.
6统统tǒngtǒngall影院、酒吧,统统与他无缘。yǐngyuàn、 jiǔbā, tǒngtǒng yǔ tā
Theaters and bars (all) have nothing
to do with him.
6以 A 为 Byǐ A wéi Bregard A as B高级阶段的汉语学习应以阅读吸收为主,语法学习为辅。gāojí jiēduàn de Hànyǔ xuéxí yīng yǐ
yuèdú xīshōu wéizhǔ, yǔfǎ xuéxí
wéi fǔ。
At the advanced stage of Chinese
learning, [we] should consider
reading and input should as the
primary, [and] consider grammar
learning as secondary.
6该 V (就)(得) Vgāi V ( jiù)( dé) Vif one should V then one must V中国过年过节的时候商店最忙了,根本不放假,该开⻔就得开⻔。 Zhōngguó guònián guòjié de shíhou shāngdiàn zuì máng le, gēnběn bù fàngjià, gāi kāimén jiù dé kāimén。 When the Chinese New Year is over, the store is the busiest, and there is no holiday at all. We have no choice but to stay open. (Lit. If we should open the door [for business] then we must open the door [for business].)
6不妨 Vbùfáng Vit won’t hurt to V有什么意⻅,你不妨直说。yǒu shénme yìjiàn, nǐ bùfáng zhí
If you have any comments, it won’t
hurt for you to say it frankly. (You’re
welcome to say it frankly. There’s
nothing preventing you to say it
6务必wùbìmust⻜机起⻜前务必系好安全带。fēijī qǐfēi qián wùbì xì hǎo
you must fasten your seatbelt
before the plane takes off.
6鉴于jiànyúin view of鉴于农村教师严重缺乏,他决定大学毕业以后,到农村去当老师。jiànyú nóngcūn jiàoshī yánzhòng
quēfá, tā juédìng dàxué bìyè
yǐhòu, dào nóngcūn qù dāng
In view of the serious shortage of
rural teachers, he decided to go to
the countryside to become a
teacher after graduating from
6便于biànyúeasy to科普文章应该写得简明易懂、便于理解。kēpǔ wénzhāng yīnggāi xiě dé
jiǎnmíng yìdǒng、 biànyú lǐjiě。
Popular science articles should be
written in a concise way, [so it’s]
easy to understand.
6犹如 N (一般/般) Ayóurú N ( yībān/
bān) A
as A as N
公司的劣质产品气坏了消费者,顾客的愤怒情绪犹如火山爆发(一般/般)难以控制。gōngsī de lièzhì chǎnpǐn qì huàile
xiāofèizhě, gùkè de fènnù qíngxù
yóurú huǒshānbàofā( yībān/ bān)
nányǐ kòngzhì。
The company's inferior products
have angered consumers, and their
anger is as difficult to control as a
volcanic eruption.
6和......相比hé...... xiāngbǐcompared to...和10年前相比,人们要经历更多次的
hé10 niánqián xiāngbǐ, rénmen
yào jīnglì gèng duōcì de zhíyèxuǎnzé。
People have to go through more
career choices compared to 10years ago.
6一 + M + Myī + M + Mone batch after
每天都会有一拨拨同行前来考察访问。měitiān dūhuì yǒu yī bō bō
tóngháng qiánlái kǎochá fǎngwèn。
Every day, there are group after
group of people from the same
profession coming to tour [the
facilities] and visit.
6难以 Vnányǐ Vhard to他能否成功尚难以预料。tā néngfǒu chénggōng shàng nányǐ
It’s still hard to predict whether he
will be successful.
6免得miǎndelest今天大家晚点儿走,把活儿都干完,免得明天再来。jīntiān dàjiā wǎndiǎn r zǒu, bǎ
huór dōu gàn wán, miǎnde
míngtiān zài lái。
Everyone [please] leave a little later
today and finish all the work, lest
you [have to] come again tomorrow.
6时而......时而......shí'ér...... shí'ér......sometimes...
yángguāng xià, húdié de yánsè
xiānyàn jíle, shí'ér jīnhuáng,
shí'ér cuìlǜ, shí'ér yóu zǐ biàn lán。
In the sun, the color of the butterfly
is very bright, sometimes golden,
sometimes green, sometimes from
purple to blue.
6时而shí'érfrom time to time主人去世以后,那狗没有了往日的精神,时而发出令人伤心的叫声。 zhǔrén qùshì yǐhòu, nà gǒu méiyǒu le wǎngrì de jīngshén, shí'ér fāchū lìngrén shāngxīn de jiàoshēng。 After the death of the owner, the dog did not have the spirit like it did in the past, and it sometimes makes a sad call.
6不禁 Vbùjīn Vcan’t help but to V听到这个消息,大家不禁兴奋起来。tīngdào zhège xiāoxi, dàjiā bùjīn
xīngfèn qilai。
When you heard the news, everyone
couldn't help but get excited.
6无不 Vwúbù Vthere is nothing that
doesn’t V
你的一言一行,一举一动,无不影响着你周围的人们。nǐ de yīyányīxíng, yījǔyīdòng,
wúbù yǐngxiǎng zhe nǐ zhōuwéi de
Your words and deeds, every move,
they all (lit. there is nothing that
doesn’t) affect the people around
6换句话说/(也)就是说huànjùhuàshuō/( yě)
in other words每个国家都应与他国和睦相处。换句
měi gè guójiā dōu yīng yǔ tāguó
hémùxiāngchǔ。 huànjùhuàshuō/
( yě) jiùshìshuō, guójiā bùnéngwéisuǒyùwéi。
Every country should live in
harmony with other countries. In
other words, a country can't dowhatever it wants.
6为 S 所 Vwéi S suǒ VV’ed by S没有一个人不为这部电影中的人物所感动。méiyǒu yīgèrén bù wéi zhè bù
diànyǐng zhòngdì rénwù suǒ
No one is [left] untouched by the
characters in this movie.
6足以zúyǐis enough to对这样的坏人不严惩就不足以平⺠
duì zhèyàng de huàirén bù
yánchéng jiù bùzú yǐ píngmín fèn。
If they do not severely punish such
bad people, it won’t be enough to
calm the anger civilians.
6东 # M ⻄ # Mdōng # M xī # Mone here and one
there, willy nilly
客人还不走,我只好跟他东一句⻄一句地没话找话说。kèrén hái bù zǒu, wǒ zhǐhǎo gēn
tā dōng yījù xī yījù dì méi huà zhǎo
The guest is not leaving yet, so I
have to talk aimlessly to him.
6V 中 (zhòng)V zhōng (zhòng)V on the mark⻜来一只苍蝇,人动手去打,却总是
fēi lái yī zhǐ cāngying, rén
dòngshǒu qù dǎ, què zǒngshì dǎ
bù zhōng。
A fly flew in. People tried to hit it
with their hands but always missed
6中 (zhòng) Nzhōng (zhòng) Nhit by N这种蘑菇不能吃,吃了会中毒的。zhèzhǒng mógu bùnéng chī, chī le
huì zhòngdú de。
This kind of mushroom can't be
eaten. You will be poisoned if you
eat it.
6姑且gūqiěfor now这件事,你姑且先答应下来,然后再
zhè jiàn shì, nǐ gūqiě xiān dāying
xiàlai, ránhòu zài mànmàn xiǎngbànfǎ。
As for this matter, you can agree to
it for now, and then take your timeand think about how to deal with it.
6随即suíjías soon as耶稣受了洗,随即从水里上来。Yēsū shòu le xǐ, suíjí cóng Shuǐlǐ
As soon as Jesus was baptized, he
went up out of the water.
6宁愿nìngyuànwould rather咱们宁愿多花点儿钱,也要买个质量
zánmen nìngyuàn duō huā diǎnr
qián, yě yào mǎi gè zhìliàng hǎo
We'd rather spend more money
than buy a good one.
6N 归 NN guī Nalthough N is N朋友之间,开玩笑归开玩笑,但千万
péngyou zhījiān, kāiwánxiào guī
kāiwánxiào, dàn qiānwàn bié guò
le tóu。
Between friends, [although] jokes
are jokes, but don't go too far.
6进而jìn'érand then人是在实践中接受环境的影响,进而改造自己的。rén shì zài shíjiàn zhōng jiēshòu
huánjìng de yǐngxiǎng, jìn'ér
gǎizào zìjǐ de。
It is through trial and error, mankind
is influenced by their environment,
and then transform themselves.
6得以 Vdéyǐ Vbe enabled to V他因为年轻,得以免除惩罚。tā yīnwèi niánqīng, déyǐ miǎnchú
He is young, [which] enabled [him]
to be exempt from punishment.
6偏偏 Vpiānpiān Vjust V, to insist on V那里太危险了,大家都劝他不要去,
nàli tài wēixiǎn le, dàjiā dōu quàn
tā bùyào qù, tā piānpiān yào qù。
It's too dangerous there. Everyone
advised him not to go. He justwanted to go. (He insisted on
6偏偏 CLAUSEpiānpiān CLAUSE(CLAUSE is an
occurence by
正当我坐下来吃晚饭时, 偏偏电话来了。zhèngdàng wǒ zuò xiàlai chī wǎnfàn
shí, piānpiān diànhuà lái le。
It just have to [be] when I sit down
and eat supper that a call came.
6况且kuàngqiěbesides这套房子交通方便,附近有书店,况zhè tào fángzi jiāotōng fāngbiàn,This apartment has convenient
6且房租又不贵,真是再合适不过了。fùjìn yǒu shūdiàn, kuàngqiě fángzūtransportation, a bookstore nearby.
6And besides, the rent is not
6yòu bù guì, zhēnshi zài héshì
6expensive. It's perfect.
6bùguò le。
6大 TIMEdà TIME(emphasize on TIME)那辆汽⻋大白天被人偷走了。nà liàng qìchē dàbáitiān bèi rén tōu
zǒu le。
The car was stolen in broad
6(与其) V 倒不如 V( yǔqí) V dǎo bùrú Vrather than V, it’s better to V (与其)说这是一本像册,倒不如说这是他大半生的历史。 ( yǔqí) shuō zhè shì yī běn xiàng cè, dǎo bùrú shuō zhè shì tā dàbàn shēng de lìshǐ。This is not so much a photo album as the history of most of his life. (Lit. Rather than saying it’s a photo album, it’s better to say it’s the history of most of his life.)
6以免yǐmiǎn为了避免感冒时应尽量少去公共场所,以免传染别人。gǎnmào shí yīng jǐnliàng shǎo qù
gōnggòng chǎngsuǒ, yǐmiǎn
chuánrǎn biéren。
When you have a cold, you should
go to public places as little as
possible so as not to infect others.
6xiándislike, have a strong
negative opinion
大家都嫌这个旅行计划不够合理。dàjiā dōu xián zhège lǚxíng jìhuà
bùgòu hélǐ。
Everyone feels (badly) that travel
plan is unreasonable.
6动不动就 Vdòngbudòng jiù Von a whim他最近工作忙、压力大,动不动就着
tā zuìjìn gōngzuò máng、 yālì dà,
dòngbudòng jiù zháojí、 fāpíqì。
He's been busy and stressed
recently. He gets angry on a whim.
6甲乙丙丁jiǎyǐ bǐng dīngA, B, C, D (series)甲、乙、丙、丁是一个序列,相当于
jiǎ、 yǐ、 bǐng、 dīng shì yī gè
xùliè, xiāngdāngyú Yīngwén deA、B、C、D。
A, B, C and D are sequences
equivalent to A, B, C and D inEnglish.
6加以 Vjiāyǐ Vproceed with V对于你的意⻅和建议,我们会认真加以研究。duìyú nǐ de yìjiàn hé jiànyì, wǒmen
huì rènzhēn jiāyǐ yánjiū。
As for your opinions and
suggestions, we will carefully
(conduct a) study.
6大大/远远 Vdàdà/ yuǎnyuǎn VV by far你的能力大大/远远超出了我们的想
nǐ de nénglì dàdà/ yuǎnyuǎn
chāochū le wǒmen de xiǎngxiàng。
Your abilities exceeded our
imagination by far.
6远远 + 不/没 + V/Ayuǎnyuǎn + bù/ méi
+ V/A
far from V-ing, far
from A
你现在的知识、能力都远远不能胜任你理想中的工作。nǐ xiànzài de zhīshi、 nénglì dōu
yuǎnyuǎn bùnéng shèngrèn nǐ
lǐxiǎng zhòngdì gōngzuò。
Your current knowledge and abilities
are far from [sufficient for you to be]
competent for your ideal job.
6紧缩句jǐnsuō jù(omitting “if” words)站住!(要是) 不站住,我就开枪了。zhànzhù!( yàoshi) bù zhànzhù,
wǒ jiù kāiqiāng le。
Stop! If you don't stop, I'll shoot.
6特意tèyìon purpose那一年我出差去天津,特意绕道北
nà yī nián wǒ chūchāi qù Tiānjīn,
tèyì ràodào Běijīng, qù le tàngYuánmíngyuán。
That year, I went to Tianjin on
business. On purpose, I made adetour to Beijing and went to
wǒmen yǐjīng wánchéng le xuéyè,
jíjiāng zǒu shàng gōngzuò
gǎngwèi, kāishǐ rénshēng xīn de yī
We have finished our studies and
about to go to work and start a new
page in our lives.
6能 + V + 就 + Vnéng + V + jiù + VV if possible这个手机没用多久,能修就修,尽量别换新的。zhège shǒujī méiyòng duōjiǔ, néng
xiū jiù xiū, jǐnliàng bié huànxīn
This mobile phone hasn’t been used
for long. If it can be repaired, (then)
repair it. Try not to replace it.
6别说bié shuōlet alone晚上看书别说蜡烛了,就是灯油也要
wǎnshang kànshū bié shuō làzhú
le, jiùshì dēng yóu yě yào jiéshěng
zhe yòng。
When [I] read at night, let alone
candles, I had to scrooge even on
the lamp oil.
6V1V1V2V2V1V1V2V2(repeated action)小孩子就喜欢打打闹闹,磕磕碰碰是
难免的,过几天就好了, 别担心。
xiǎoháizi jiù xǐhuan dǎ dǎ nào nào,
kē kēpèng pèng shì nánmiǎn de,guò jǐtiān jiù hǎole, bié dānxīn。
Children like to make a lot of noise.
It's inevitable to bump into eachother. It'll be all right in a few days.
Don't worry.
6左 # M N 右 # M Nzuǒ # M N yòu # M
one N after another妈妈左一个电话右一个电话地催他回家。māma zuǒ yī gè diànhuà yòu yī gè
diànhuà dì cuī tā huíjiā。
Mother called him left and right (lit.
with one call after another), trying
to hurry him to come home.
6莫非/难道 ...... 不成mòfēi/ nándào ......
could it be that他大吃一惊,头脑中一片空白——莫非受了骗不成?tā dàchīyījīng, tóunǎo zhōng yīpiàn
kòngbái—— mòfēi shòu le piàn
He was shocked and his mind was
blank - could he possibly be
6一个 Nyī gè Nwith a...他手没抓住栏杆,一个跟头栽了下
tā shǒu méi zhuāzhù lángān, yī gè
gēntou zāi le xiàlai。
He missed the railing and fell with a
6(了) 个 A( le) gè Ato the extent that it
became A
他把心爱的琴摔了个粉碎。tā bǎ xīn'ài de qín shuāi le gè
He smashed his beloved violin to
pieces (lit. to the extent that it
became shattered).
6向来 V/Axiànglái V/Aalways have (been)
他们向来忠厚、老实,为人诚恳。tāmen xiànglái zhōnghòu、 lǎoshi,
wéirén chéngkěn。
They have always been loyal,
honest and sincere.
6预先yùxiānahead of time大家预先都没有想到,本届绘画展览
dàjiā yùxiān dōu méiyǒu xiǎngdào,
běnjiè huìhuà zhǎnlǎn jìngrán zhèmeshòuhuānyíng。
It was never expected (ahead of
time) that this painting exhibitionwould be so popular.
CLAUSE1 yě hǎo
CLAUSE2 yěbà
it doesn’t matter
whether CLAUSE1 or
开汽⻋也好,骑自行⻋也罢,行进中打电话都会影响注意力与反应能力。kāi qìchē yě hǎo, qí zìxíngchē
yěbà, xíngjìn zhōng dǎdiànhuà
dūhuì yǐngxiǎng zhùyìlì yǔ fǎnyìng
It doesn’t matter whether [you are]
driving a car or riding a bicycle,
making phone calls during the
journey can affect attention and
reaction ability.
6不时bùshífrom time to time不时传来的几声⻦叫提醒我们,新的
bùshí chuánlái de jǐ shēng niǎo jiào
tíxǐng wǒmen, xīn de yī tiān yòu
kāishǐ le。
A few bird calls from time to time
remind us that a new day has
6多多少少duōduōshǎoshǎomore or less他的话多多少少有些真实。tā dehuà duōduōshǎoshǎo yǒuxiē
What he said was more or less
6逐 Mzhú Mone by one雨季快到了,水库要逐个检查,以排
yǔjì kuài dàoliǎo, shuǐkù yào
zhúgè jiǎnchá, yǐ páichú ānquányǐnhuàn。
As the rainy season is approaching,
reservoirs should be inspected oneby one to eliminate potential safety
6归根到底guīgēndàodǐafter all运动健身归根到底是自己的事,胡乱对付其实是在骗自己。yùndòng jiànshēn guīgēndàodǐ shì
zìjǐ de shì, húluàn duìfu qíshí shì
zài piàn zìjǐ。
Exercise and fitness is after all
[your] own business. If you just try
to scrape through it, you are actually
deceiving yourself.
6哪怕nǎpàeven if您放心,我们 一定会尽全力抢救病
nín fàngxīn, wǒmen yīdìng huì jìn
quánlì qiǎngjiù bìngrén, nǎpàzhǐyǒu yīxiànxīwàng。
You can rest assured that we will do
our best to save the patients, evenif there is only a glimmer of hope.
6反之fǎnzhīon the contrary经济发展了,百姓的收入增加了,消费能力就强,反之,百姓的消费能力就差。jīngjìfāzhǎn le, bǎixìng de shōurù zēngjiā le, xiāofèi nénglì jiù qiáng, fǎnzhī, bǎixìng de xiāofèi nénglì jiù chà。 If the economy develops, people's income increases, and their buying power increases. On the contrary [if the opposite is true], people's buying power will be less.
6V/A1 的 V/A1,V/A2
的 V/A2
V/A1 de V/A1,V/A2
de V/A2
some V/A1, some V/
进了果园,大家看到一树的桃 ,红
jìn le guǒyuán, dàjiā kàn dào yī
shù de táo , hóng de hóng, lǜ de
lǜ, piàoliang jíle。
Entering the orchard, you can see a
tree of peaches, some red, somegreen, very beautiful.
6一时yīshímomentarily她一时心急,连⻔都没有锁就冲出家⻔。tā yīshí xīnjí, lián mén dōu méiyǒu
suǒ jiù chōngchū jiāmén。
She was anxious at the time and
she rushed out without locking the
shàngqiě V
even (CLAUSE) S V经济增⻓时,这个企业尚且如此,经
jīngjìzēngzhǎng shí, zhège qǐyè
shàngqiě rúcǐ, jīngjìshuāituì shí,qǐyè kěndìng huì chūxiàn shēngcún
Even during economic growth, the
company is (yet) like this. It willcertainly face survival problems in
economic recession.
dāngshí、 dāngdài
at that time他已不是当年的他了。tā yǐ bùshì dāngnián de tā le。He is not the same man as he used
to be (back in those days).
6终究zhōngjiūafter all猫终究是动物,动物急了咬人也是常
māo zhōngjiū shì dòngwù,
dòngwù jí le yǎo rén yě shì chángde。
Cats are animals after all, and it is
normal for animals to bite peoplewhen they get frantic.
6愈......愈......yù...... yù......the more... the
愈是经营年画久了,他对年画就愈是热爱。yù shì jīngyíng nián huà jiǔ le, tā
duì nián huà jiù yù shì rè'ài。
The longer he has been selling New
Year's paintings, the more he loves
6一经yī jīngonce领导集团会对重大问题做出决定。一
lǐngdǎo jítuán huì duì zhòngdà wèntí
zuòchū juédìng。 yī jīng juédìng,
jítuán chéngyuán bìxū gòngtóng
Leading groups will make decisions
on major issues. Once a decision
has been made, the members of the
group must abide by it together.
6本着 Nběnzhe Nbased on两国谈判代表本着互谅互让的精神,解决了拖延多年的问题。liǎngguó tánpàn dàibiǎo běnzhe hù
liàng hù ràng de jīngshén, jiějué le
tuōyán duō nián de wèntí。
In the spirit of mutual understanding
and compromise, the negotiators of
the two countries solved the
problem of many years’ delay.
6为......起⻅wéi...... qǐjiànfor the sake of购买餐具后,为安全起⻅可先将餐具
gòumǎi cānjù hòu, wéi ānquán
qǐjiàn kě xiān jiāng cānjù jìnxíng
xiāodú chǔlǐ。
After you purchasing tableware, they
can be disinfected in view of safety.
6暂且zànqiěfor now干了几天,小王就不想干了。大家没
gàn le jǐtiān, xiǎo wáng jiù bùxiǎng
gàn le。 dàjiā méibànfǎ, zhǐdé
zànqiě yóu tā qù。
After a few days, Xiao Wang didn't
want to work [that job] anymore.Everyone had no choice but to leave
him for the time being.
6屡次lǚcìrepeatedly屡次创业,却屡次惨遭失败的人总想知道,创业有窍⻔吗? lǚcì chuàngyè, què lǚcì cǎnzāo shībài de rén zǒng xiǎng zhīdào, chuàngyè yǒu qiàomén ma? People who repeatedly start businesses but repeatedly fail miserably often wonder, “Are there any secrets to starting a [successful] business?”
6依据yījùbasis你们这样做有法律依据吗?nǐmen zhèyàng zuò yǒu fǎlǜ yījù
Do you have any legal basis for
doing so?
6依据yījùbased on创业必须依据市场需求,这是一条永
chuàngyè bìxū yījù shìchǎng
xūqiú, zhè shì yī tiáo yǒnghéng de
It is an eternal truth that
entrepreneurship must be based on
market demand.
hétong yīdàn shēngxiào, rènhé
yīfāng dōu bùnéng rènyì fǎnhuǐ le。
Once the contract comes into force,
neither party can change their mindsarbitrarily.
6尚未shàngwèinot yet所谓潜在的市场,就是尚未被人们认
suǒwèi qiánzài de shìchǎng, jiùshì
shàngwèi bèi rénmen rènshi de
The so-called potential market is the
market not yet recognized by
6(把)......放在眼里( bǎ)......
take ... seriously这点困难她根本不放在眼里。zhè diǎn kùnnan tā gēnběn bù
[As for] this (little bit of) difficulty, she
didn't take it seriously at all.
6不无bùwúnot without她说工资低,这也不无道理。tā shuō gōngzī dī, zhè yě bùwú
She says that her salary is low. This
is not without reason.

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