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Mastering Basic Chinese Expressions: Your Ultimate Guide to Confident Communication

This table provides a comparison of key introductory phrases and expressions in both Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, along with their corresponding Pinyin (the romanization of Chinese characters) and English meanings. The phrases are extracted from two different language textbooks, “Integrated Chinese” and “Modern Chinese,” to offer learners a comprehensive resource for familiarizing themselves with these common expressions.

The table covers essential communication phrases, such as “Open the book,” “I speak, you listen,” “Please look at me,” “Is it right?” and more. These phrases are commonly used in Chinese language classrooms to facilitate effective communication and interaction between teachers and students.

Additionally, the table introduces phrases related to understanding and readiness, such as “Do you understand?” and “Are you ready?” which are crucial for assessing comprehension and preparing for learning activities.

By presenting both Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters, learners from different backgrounds or preferences can benefit from the table. The inclusion of Pinyin alongside the characters allows learners to practice pronunciation accurately.

Overall, this table serves as a valuable reference tool for language learners to grasp foundational expressions and improve their communication skills in Chinese. Whether one is using the “Integrated Chinese” or “Modern Chinese” textbook, this compilation offers a convenient side-by-side comparison, making it easier for learners to navigate and comprehend the introductory phrases in both written forms of Chinese and their English translations.

Traditional ChineseSimplified ChinesePinyinMeaning in English
打開書打开书Dǎkāi shūOpen the book
第__頁第__页Dì __ yèPage __
我說,你們聽我说,你们听Wǒ shuō, nǐmen tīngI speak, you listen
聽我說听我说Tīng wǒ shuōListen to me
請看我请看我Qǐng kàn wǒPlease look at me
看白板看白板Kàn báibǎnLook at the whiteboard
對不對?对不对?Duì bù duì?Is it right?
很棒很棒hěn bàngGreat, Awesome
跟我說跟我说Gēn wǒ shuōRepeat after me
請跟我說请跟我说Qǐng gēn wǒ shuōPlease repeat after me
請你說请你说Qǐng nǐ shuōPlease speak
請再說一次请再说一次Qǐng zài shuō yīcìPlease say it again
再說一遍再说一遍Zài shuō yībiànSay it again
懂了嗎?懂了吗?Dǒng le ma?Do you understand?
懂不懂?懂不懂?Dǒng bù dǒng?Do you understand or not?
懂了懂了Dǒng leI understand
不懂不懂Bù dǒngI don't understand
好了嗎?好了吗?Hǎo le ma?Are you ready?
好了好了Hǎo leI am ready.
還沒好还没好Hái méi hǎoNot ready yet
好不好?好不好?Hǎo bù hǎo?Is it good?
很好很好Hěn hǎoVery good
還好还好Hái hǎoJust okay
不好不好Bù hǎoNot good

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