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Fire and Earth Elements in 12 Zodiac Signs in Chinese

You’ve definitely heard a lot about the 12 zodiac signs. In fact, you probably think you know everything about your Sun sign already. The 12 zodiac signs can be further categorized into four elemental signs: earth signs, air signs, water signs, and fire signs—the feistiest of them all. “Just like everything in the natural world relates to an element, each zodiac sign relates to one of the four elements, too,” says Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer at and

We focus on fire and earth signs in this post. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the three fire signs of the zodiac, which means they reside in this element’s part of the astrological calendar. And the earth elements of the zodiac are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.

Do you know how to express them in Chinese?

Aries-牡羊座-牡羊座-mǔ yáng zuò
Aries-牡羊座-牡羊座-mǔ yáng zuò
Leo-獅子座-狮子座-shī zǐ zuò
Leo-獅子座-狮子座-shī zǐ zuò
Sagittarius-射手座-射手座-shè shǒu zuò
Sagittarius-射手座-射手座-shè shǒu zuò
Taurus-金牛座-金牛座-jīn niú zuò
Taurus-金牛座-金牛座-jīn niú zuò
Virgo-處女座-处女座-chù nǚ zuò
Virgo-處女座-处女座-chù nǚ zuò
Capricorn-摩羯座-摩羯座-mó jié zuò
Capricorn-摩羯座-摩羯座-mó jié zuò

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