Kleshas, in Buddhism, are mental states that cloud the mind and manifest in unwholesome actions. Kleshas include states of mind such as anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, desire, depression, etc. In the Mahayana tradition, the five main kleshas are referred to as the five poisons. The five poisons consist of the three poisons (attachment, aversion, and […]
Tag: Chinese Buddhism
Different paths to Buddhahood in Chinese
It may seem that gradual cultivation and sudden enlightenment are very different methods, but in fact they are interrelated and even complementary practices. Do you know how to express these two in Chinese? You can also read posts on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, and Instagram.
Three Stages for Practicing Buddhism and Vegetarianism
As a Buddhist, is it necessary to practice vegetarianism? Let’s learn from the founding master Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Master Wei Chueh (惟覺老和尚), who showed us the relationship between practice vegetarianism and practice Buddhism. And the three stages are as followed. If we wish to attain a mind of compassion and equality, first, we must […]
What Are the Five Precepts?
The Five precepts or five rules of training is the most important system of morality for Buddhist lay people. The five precepts are as follows: 不殺生戒 不偷盜戒 不邪婬戒 不妄語戒 不飲酒戒 不杀生戒 不偷盗戒 不邪婬戒 不妄语戒 不饮酒戒 Abstention from killing living beings Kindness and compassion Right to life Abstention from theft Generosity and renunciation Right of property […]
Self-reflection Frees Ourselves from Habitual Tendencies
習氣 (xí qì ) means habitual tendencies, subtle inclinations that are imprinted in the mind, like a stain. We often don’t pay much attention to it. What is worst, we may even think of all these as “just the way we are”. These tendencies live in a more or less unconscious corner of our mind. […]