The Five precepts or five rules of training is the most important system of morality for Buddhist lay people.
The five precepts are as follows:
- 不殺生戒
- 不偷盜戒
- 不邪婬戒
- 不妄語戒
- 不飲酒戒
- 不杀生戒
- 不偷盗戒
- 不邪婬戒
- 不妄语戒
- 不饮酒戒
- Abstention from killing living beings Kindness and compassion Right to life
- Abstention from theft Generosity and renunciation Right of property
- Abstention from sexual misconduct Contentment and respect for faithfulness Right to fidelity in marriage
- Abstention from falsehood Being honest and dependable Right of human dignity
- Abstention from intoxication
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