Author: Captain

The Impairment of Assets in Accounting

Impairment is the estimated loss of value of an asset. There are certain circumstances that reduce the value of an asset that a company has purchased until it is eventually depreciates fully. In general, testing should be performed when there is evidence of impairment.The impairment test is an analysis that must be carried out by […]

Everything You Need to Know About the Income Statement

An income statement, which shows your revenue after expenses and losses, tells a story about the performance of your business over a certain time period, such as monthly, quarterly or annually. Once referred to as a profit-and-loss statement, an income statement typically includes revenue or sales, cost of goods sold, expenses, gross profits, taxes, net […]

Three Stages for Practicing Buddhism and Vegetarianism

As a Buddhist, is it necessary to practice vegetarianism? Let’s learn from the founding master Chung Tai Chan Monastery, Master Wei Chueh (惟覺老和尚), who showed us the relationship between practice vegetarianism and practice Buddhism. And the three stages are as followed. If we wish to attain a mind of compassion and equality, first, we must […]

5 Basic Financial Ratios and their Chinese Terms

Ratios can be invaluable tools for making decisions about companies you might want to invest in. They are used by individual investors and professional analysts, and there are a variety of ratios to use. Financial ratios are typically cast into five categories: Leverage Ratios Liquidity Ratios Activity Ratios Profitability Ratios Market Ratios The original post […]

Sorry, My Chinese is not so good.

对不起我的中文不好,对不起对不起,我不知道你说什麽!对不起我的中文不好,对不起对不起,我只想跟你当朋友! duì bù qǐ wǒ de zhōng wén bù hǎo ,duì bù qǐ duì bù qǐ ,wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ shuō shí me !duì bù qǐ wǒ de zhōng wén bù hǎo ,duì bù qǐ duì bù qǐ ,wǒ zhī xiǎng gēn nǐ dāng péng yǒu ! Hello你好吗?你的英文好好听!你是美国人吗?并不是美国人,我是一位英国绅士!如果你专心听,你会了解我! Hello nǐ hǎo ma ?nǐ de […]

The Ethnic Groups of SEQALU: Formosa 1867 and Their Significance in Taiwan’s History

“SEQALU: Formosa 1867” is a Taiwanese drama series that has been adapted from a historic event, which is a mixture of historical figures and fictional characters. This drama takes the audience back to Formosa, Taiwan in the 19th century, and reconstructs the ancient stories and beautiful souls on this island. The title “SEQALU” refers to […]

What Should you know before buying corporate bonds?

Investors who buy corporate bonds are lending money to the company issuing the bond. In return, the company makes a legal commitment to pay interest on the principal and, in most cases, to return the principal when the bond comes due, or matures. Because of the time value of money, money received today is worth […]

What Are the Five Precepts?

The Five precepts or five rules of training is the most important system of morality for Buddhist lay people. The five precepts are as follows: 不殺生戒 不偷盜戒 不邪婬戒 不妄語戒 不飲酒戒 不杀生戒 不偷盗戒 不邪婬戒 不妄语戒 不饮酒戒 Abstention from killing living beings Kindness and compassion Right to life Abstention from theft Generosity and renunciation Right of property […]